Sir John Nelthorpe School

Sir John Nelthorpe School

Careers Education, Information Advice & Guidance (CEIAG)

Careers Education, Information Advice & Guidance (CEIAG)

Following an external assessment Sir John Nelthorpe School was re-accredited with The Quality in Careers Standard in March 2022. This will stand for a period of 3 years.

We believe that effective careers guidance contributes to raising aspirations, improving motivation, and overcoming barriers to success.

Our CEIAG is delivered through a co-ordinated programme which involves pupils, parents, staff, colleges, training providers, and local employers. Sir John Nelthorpe’s Career’s Leader, Matt Mosey, (Tel. 01652 656551 or email works closely with teaching and pastoral staff to ensure we provide a holistic approach to Careers, which is tailored to meet individual pupil needs.

Our goal is to equip our pupils with the necessary skills to adapt to an ever-changing economic climate, inspiring them to become life-long career learners. As a school we aspire to achieve the 8 Gatsby benchmarks:

1. A stable careers programme.

2. Learning from career and labour market information.

3. Addressing the needs of each student.

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers.

5. Encounters with employers and employees.

6. Experiences of workplaces.

7. Encounters with further and higher education.

8. Personal Guidance.

Sir John Nelthorpe School is committed to providing a planned programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) for all students in Years 7-13, in partnership with North Lincolnshire Careers Service and The Career and Enterprise Company. More information can be found here:

Please see a link to the 'Provider access policy statement' page:

Careers Education

Is delivered via ourPSHCE programme and provides the opportunity for pupils to:

Develop self-awareness (a greater understanding of their strengths, current limitations, personal qualities, interests and values).

Learn about opportunities (engage in career exploration of the local, regional, national, and international education, training and employment opportunities. Participate in work experience and work related learning; increasing exposure to a range of lifelong learning and career opportunities to support pupils to make effective decisions about their future).

Develop decision-making skills (understand and evaluate the pros and cons of the options available to them and taking responsibility for decision making).

Acquire the necessary career management skills to make a successful transition from school to further education, training or employment (preparing a CV, taking part in mock interview sessions, developing job search and employability skills and developing resilience).

Assessing the impact of our programme

We assess our programme for careers termly against the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks. A significant part of the assessment is through discussions with students, staff, parents and external employers and other organisations who contribute to the programme. Our Quality in Careers Standard is assessed externally every 3-years with the next assessment due 2025. Another measure of impact is progression and in 2022 100% of our school/college leavers continued in to education, employment or training.


One to one independent careers guidance appointments are available in school with Darrell Collins,GPCareers. Ltd. Impartial guidance appointments can be requested by pupils in any year group. All Y11 and Y12 pupils have a guidance interview. Arrangements can be made for parents to attend careers appointments upon request. Alternatively, parents can call 01652 656551 or email for careers support.

Work Experience (Year 10)

Work experience is viewed as an integral part of Sir John Nelthorpe’s CEIAG programme; supporting pupils post 16 transitions to education, employment or training, and providing them with the opportunity to develop vital employability skills. Engagement with local employers is essential for pupils to develop networks, and as such we strongly believe that work experience is an opportunity that should be available to everyone. Therefore, all pupils in Year 10 take part in one week’s work experience in April.

A careers evening is held in February to advise pupils and parents of the work experience process and answer any queries.

Year 11 - Post-16 The Application Process

The application process begins in September using the Lincs4u website. All pupils are provided with a username and password and are supported to develop a personal profile and select college course / apprenticeship choices. The deadline for college applications is the last week in December. The deadline for Lincs4u apprenticeship applications is the end of February.

Apprenticeship applications on Lincs4u register pupils with a training provider; they will still need an employer to complete the apprenticeship offer.

Training providers will ask for a copy of the pupils CV and send it to employers they work with, pupils will still need to attend additional employer interviews.

To gain an apprenticeship pupils need to be as proactive as possible and should also attempt to obtain their own employer.

Apprenticeships – in May / June time pupils can also register with the National Apprenticeships service This site advertises live vacancies offered  by employers (you will need to check the deadline dates – pupil’s legal school leaving date is the last Friday in June).

Careers Information & Advice

All Sir John Nelthorpe staff are encouraged to talk with pupils about their career aspirations and can refer pupils to careers staff to gather further information. Pupils are also encouraged to be pro-active using a variety of on-line resources to explore their options (see links below).

Y9-Y10 pupils have the opportunity to talk with local colleges and training providers.

Y9 – Our careers advisor is available at the Progress/Pathways Evening for parent consultations.

Y11 – Our careers advisor is available at Progress Evenings for parent consultations.

Useful information and weblinks for pupils, teachers and parents

Parents/Carers Guide to post-16 options: parents-and-carers-guide-2019_tcm18-17811.pdf

A good parents' guide: great-expectations-careers-guide-parents_2015-october_tcm18-17811.pdf

National Careers Service -

Careers Guidance -

Career videos, job information and ideas for your future -

North Lincolnshire Post-16 Applications Portal Lincs4U

Russell Group University Choices -

Making informed university choices - :

University and Colleges Admissions Service -

Student Finance -

Labour Market Information -

Careers using maths -

High Quality Careers Magazine for parents and pupils -

Humber Outreach Programme - Advice and guidance to access higher education and degree apprenticeships

News & Events

Year 6 Open Evening - 11th September 2024 - 6pm-8pm - Grammar School Road

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How to access Pupil Home Learning Site

Please see below a video on how to access the Pupil Home Learning Site:

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