Sir John Nelthorpe School

Sir John Nelthorpe School

Careers Programme (reviewed and updated) September 2023

We are guided by the Gatsby benchmarks to ensure we offer the full range of opportunities for our pupils. Each year has a programme which has been re-designed to ensure all aspects of careers information, advice and guidance are covered and delivered by a range of staff, external specialists and guests each year. We align with the CDI framework with three key elements:

1. Developing yourself through careers, employability and enterprise:
2. Learning about careers and the world of work:
3. Developing your career management, employability and enterprise skills:

Careers is delivered predominantly through a series of Drop Down days as well as in weekly PSHCE and tutor time activities, assemblies and bespoke sessions for each year group.

Careers Programme Year 7

Pupils develop their skills and aspirationsan through the understanding of careers, teamwork and enterprise skills, and raising aspirations. They explore their 'dream job' of the future. They learn: how to be enterprising, including skills of problem-solving, communication, teamwork, leadership, risk-management, and creativity; about a broad range of careers and the abilities and qualities required for different careers; about equality of opportunity; how to challenge stereotypes, broaden their horizons and how to identify future career aspirations; about the link between values and career choices.

Pupils also learn about financial decision making, saving, borrowing, budgeting and making financial choices. They learn how to make safe financial choices; about ethical and unethical business practices and consumerism; about saving, spending and budgeting; how to manage risk-taking behaviour

A STEM related career presentation is given to the whole year group from an external provider. Most recently this has been through the Armed Forces.

Careers Programme Year 8

Pupils focus on the equality of opportunity in careers and life choices, and different types and patterns of work. They lear about:about: equality of opportunity in life and work; how to challenge stereotypes and discrimination in relation to work and pay; about employment, self-employment and voluntary work; how to set aspirational goals for future careers and challenge expectations that limit choices

A STEM related career presentation is given to the whole year group from an external provider. Most recently this has been through the Armed Forces.

Careers Programme Year 9

This year is all about setting goals, learning strengths, career options and the GCSE options (pathways) process. Pupils learn about: transferable skills, abilities and interests; how to demonstrate strengths; about different types of employment and career pathways; how to manage feelings relating to future employment; how to work towards aspirations and set meaningful, realistic goals for the future; about GCSE and post-16 options; skills for decision making.

Pupils also learn about young people’s employment rights and responsibilities; skills for enterprise and employability; how to give and act upon constructive feedback; how to manage their ‘personal brand’ online; habits and strategies to support progress; how to identify and access support for concerns relating to life online.

The whole of Year 9 attend a Higher Education day at the University of Hull which explores options and raises aspirations.

Careers Programme Year 10

Pupils in Year 10 cover financial decision making; the impact of financial decisions, debt, gambling and the impact of advertising on financial choices.They learn how to: effectively budget and evaluate savings options; how to prevent and manage debt, including understanding credit rating and pay day lending; how data is generated, collected and shared, and the influence of targeted advertising; how to manage risk in relation to financial activities.

Time in Year 10 is also spent in preparation for a week long work experience in April. Pupils self-canvas an employer in an area that they are interested. Pupils also have a post-16 taster day. They to evaluate strengths and interests in relation to career development; about opportunities in learning and work; strategies for overcoming challenges or adversity; about responsibilities in the workplace; how to manage practical problems and health and safety; how to maintain a positive personal presence online; how to evaluate and build on the learning from work experience.

Careers Programme Year 11

The programme in Y11 is all about next steps. It focuses around individual needs as pupils move towards making post-16 decisions. Pupils learn about: how to use feedback constructively when planning for the future; how to set and achieve SMART targets; effective revision techniques and strategies; about options post-16 and career pathways; about application processes, including writing CVs, personal statements and interview technique; how to maximise employability, including managing online presence and taking opportunities to broaden experience; about rights, responsibilities and challenges in relation to working part time whilst studying; how to manage work/life balance.

All students are guided in writing CVs, completing post-16 application forms and preparation for interviews. A series of mock job interviews are carried out by a network of employers in partnership with our Enterprise Advisor.

Further independent advice and guidance is made available throughout the year. All pupils have a careers appontment. Assemblies are dedicated to their futures. Talks around raising aspirations, motivational speakers, information about labour market are made available. Post-16 information is emailed directly to individuals and displayed on noticeboards, whilst post-16 providers are invited in to present to the pupils about their options.

Sixth form 'Taster days' are offered to those on A Level and Vocational pathways.

Careers Programme Y12/13

Through tutorial input students work towards their post-18 options. These include writing their UCAS personal statements. There are opportunities to visit higher education establishments. Students are encouraged to self-canvass a work experience placement during their summer recess in Y12.

Outside employers are invited in to discuss career pathways whilst all Y12 students have a careers interview.

Mock interviews are carried out with local employers (Rotary Club) so that students can prepare themsevles for future job applicatioins having received informative feedback.

Annual Careers Fair

We hold a careers fair. Here local and national employers from a vast array of employers, Post-16 providers and universities are represented. All pupils and their parents from years 7 to 13 are invited to discuss and explore their future options.

Next review due July 2024

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