Sir John Nelthorpe School

Sir John Nelthorpe School


At Sir John Nelthorpe School we strive to develop the whole person, to produce well-rounded young adults capable of developing themselves and responding positively to the demands that society will bring. The pupils’ experiences are organised to achieve the School’s Mission Statement, the requirements of the National Curriculum and to provide a broad and balanced curriculum. These experiences include programmes of study written for each subject, tutorial work and Personal, Social, Health,Citizenship & Economic education (PSHCE) and they are enriched by work-related learning, a wide range of curricular, extra-curricular, non-curricular, sporting events and visits. The programmes of study fulfil the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum.

At Key Stage 3 all pupils study the following subjects:

At Key Stage 4, pupils follow one of three pathways. A copy of the Learning Pathways booklet can be found here. Learning Pathways Booklet 2023.pdf

All pathways follow the following subjects:

Pathway One pupils will study seperate sciences, either history or georgraphy, either French or German and one other subject from the list below.

Pathway Two pupils will study combined science, either history or geography, either French of German and two other subjects from the list below.

  • History
  • Geography
  • French
  • German
  • Art
  • Construction
  • Engineering
  • Enterprise
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Health and Social Care
  • Music
  • Music Technology
  • PE or Sports Science
  • Photography
  • Religious Studies
  • Statistics
  • Textiles
  • Travel and Tourism

A copy of the curriculum policy can be found here.

At Key Stage 5 the overwhelming majority of students study 3 A-levels or their equivalents.

  • Each level 3 subject has 4 hours per week of timetabled teaching time
  • for each subject they study, students also have an additional 3 hours of timetabled supervised study per week
  • PSHCE is delivered during tutor time (1hr per week)
  • Religious Education is delivered in our KS5 Religion, Philosophy and Ethics class (1hr per week)

For more detailed information on the individual subjects we offer please visit the Brigg VI Form Website

Please note:  The School will make arrangements for any pupil whose parents exercise their statutory right to withdraw their children from religious worship or Religious Education lessons, in accordance with Section 71 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.

News & Events

Year 6 Open Evening - 11th September 2024 - 6pm-8pm - Grammar School Road

We are thrilled to announce that our Year 6 Open Evening will be held in Sc...

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How to access Pupil Home Learning Site (Year 6)

Please see above a video showing you how to access the Pupil Home Learning ...

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How to access Pupil Home Learning Site

Please see below a video on how to access the Pupil Home Learning Site:

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