Sir John Nelthorpe School

Sir John Nelthorpe School

2017 Examination Excellence

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Staff and students at Sir John Nelthorpe school have celebrated another successful set of GCSE & A-Level examination results, continuing our consistently high performance, year on year.

A Level Success

Last week, the 6th form students collected their results and yet again achieved excellent A-Level grades. They represent the culmination of a tremendous amount of hard work from both the students and staff. Our pass rate of 100% has bucked the National trend showing the fantastic response of our students to the new, more demanding A-Levels. This pass-rate is league-topping for this region. The national average is (97.9%). The percentage of our students achieving the top A*-C grades was 80.6%, again beating the national average of 77.4%.

There were some outstanding individual performances including George Thomas, Maria Cavill, Stefani Salvatierra and Katie Willerton who all achieved A*AA. All of our students worked extremely hard, with the support of their teachers, with the overwhelming majority obtaining their first choice of University.

GCSE Triumph

Today our Year 11 students collected their GCSE examination results. A fantastic total of 74% of our students achieved a 'good' (4+) pass in the new-style English and Maths exams. A 4+ pass was recorded by 84% of pupils in English, whilst in Maths, the 4+ figure was 77%.

As if that wasn't fantastic enough, 48% of students gained the 'strong' (5+) pass in the two subjects combined. A tremendous performance indeed.

Head teacher, Mr Rob Biglands is thrilled with yet another strong set of GCSE results.

"There was a lot of uncertainty with this year's GCSE examinations. Not only, as has been widely publicised, were they much harder than in previous years but students (and staff) have also had to contend with the uncertainties of the new grading system."

"I am incredibly proud of our students and am so pleased that their hard work and dedication has been rewarded with these excellent results. I would also like to recognise the incredible support that so many parents and carers have provided for their child, which undoubtedly has contributed to so many of our young people achieving these superb outcomes."

Mr Biglands congratulated the success of all of the students and looks forward to welcoming many of them back into the 6th form to continue their A-Level studies in September.

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