Sir John Nelthorpe School

Sir John Nelthorpe School

2015 GCSE Success!

A very well deserved 'congratulations!' goes to our Year 11 students who have collected their GCSE results today. With so many excellent individual performances, and ALL students securing their next steps in education, employment or training, the school community is very proud of you all. Well done!

Following on from our stunning 100% pass rate for A Level last week (the best performance of any 6th Form setting in North Lincolnshire), our GCSE results look set to follow our trend of very high performance in North Lincolnshire and beyond. Keep checking our website for more information about this year's results.

News & Events

Year 6 Open Evening - 11th September 2024 - 6pm-8pm - Grammar School Road

We are thrilled to announce that our Year 6 Open Evening will be held in Sc...

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How to access Pupil Home Learning Site (Year 6)

Please see above a video showing you how to access the Pupil Home Learning ...

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How to access Pupil Home Learning Site

Please see below a video on how to access the Pupil Home Learning Site:

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