Sir John Nelthorpe School

Sir John Nelthorpe School


October saw the turn of another fun filled, charity raising, TWAG week at Sir John Nelthorpe. TWAG week is organised and ran by the Sixth Form during the last week of the first half term. This year the week was enjoyed by all across all year groups and once again even saw the involvement of our brilliant teachers. The week kicked off with the sixth form in fancy dress and a penalty shootout on the field with the teachers in goal. A host of activities occurred throughout the week including 'soak a sixer', cake and hotdog stalls, leg waxing, a slave auction and was all brought to a brilliant end on Friday with a non-uniform day and the 'T Factor' (pictured above) where the teachers were our singing stars! The sixth form would like to thanks all students, parents/carers, and staff for their contributions and donations throughout the week, without which the success of TWAG week would not be possible so thank you. We are delighted to announce that Sir John Nelthorpe School this year raised the grand total of £1614 for charity, an excellent sum, to which we are all proud.

Many thanks.

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