Sir John Nelthorpe School

Sir John Nelthorpe School

New Uniform At Sir John Nelthorpe School

A new uniform policy has been adopted by the Governors of Sir John Nelthorpe School.

From the moment pupils and parents started asking me if I would consider a new uniform for the school (as far back as June last year!!) I have worked with colleagues and governors, pupils (especially through the Student Council) and parents (through Open Evenings and feedback at Parent Evenings). It was clear to me that there was a desire for a new uniform; one which pupils would feel proud to wear and which would convey the high standards to which we aspire at this school. Indeed, the overwhelming feeling I gained was that the community wanted change for the better!

The process of finding the 'best' supplier and the right style of uniform has been thorough and as a result has taken a long time to complete, but has resulted in a decision that represents best value for families combined with a high quality of school wear and a level of service from the identified supplier that will hopefully make the experience of purchasing uniform items very straightforward. Whilst I genuinely believe parents will find the items available through 'Uniform Direct' to represent excellent value for money, there are a number of items that can be sourced from other outlets should you wish, provided the style matches that of the agreed policy. i.e. as can be viewed on the Uniform Direct website, or at their store in Grimsby, or at school (eventually, the school expects to stock a few sizes of the full range of uniform items as samples for parents to view). I would encourage all
parents to check the Uniform Direct website first, before deciding to purchase from another source for this reason.

All pupils have seen the new uniform items in assemblies and feedback has been very positive.

The Governors have agreed to a period of one year for families to move to the new uniform code to ensure parents can replace items of clothing only when they require replacement, although it is expected that many families will wish to move to the new uniform much sooner than this.

The policy has been written to provide as much detail as possible in order to help families ensure they are able to avoid purchasing the wrong styles of clothing and as a result having to return items, etc. Please read the policy/guidance thoroughly and view the Uniform Direct website to avoid problems when purchasing items. The guidance is available to view via our (soon to be replaced!) school website as a pdf document, or copies can be viewed at school. Regrettably, the school is not able to provide printed copies free of charge.

I am pleased to be able to invite Parents and students to come into school to view the new uniform on 8th July from 4:00pm - 5:30pm, you will also be able to speak to members of the senior team as well as the suppliers. Those parents wishing to purchase or order items on that evening may do so, but please be aware that there are still 2 more months before September and it's surprising how much growth a young person can experience over that time!

The new uniform can also be viewed and purchased at the following web address:

A copy of the school uniform policy can be found here.

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