Sir John Nelthorpe School

Sir John Nelthorpe School

Outward Bound Trip

In keeping with the long standing tradition of Sir John Nelthorpe the Outward Bound trip took place over the weekend of May 8-10th, with a mixed bag of weather to be had!

On Friday 8th May 30 year 8 students, excitedly rushed to board the 2 mini buses to begin the journey to Ullswater in the Lake District, on arrival students were shown to there rooms, put into groups and then rushed to pack and prepare for a night under canvas on the mountain side.

Pupils were very excited a first for many, we packed in glorious weather and spirits were high, as we set off mother nature decided to be unkind and the heavens opened (the rain continued until the early hours of Saturday morning), making our expeditions all the more challenging.

Once the groups reached there respective camping spots for the night tents were erected and tea was cooked, ration packs were enjoyed by most, the hot food a welcome luxury in the inclement weather.

Saturday brought a day of sunshine and high energy activities ranging from gorge walking, to canoeing, team building activities and a camp fire.

Sunday brought a day of high winds and sun, activities undertaken ranged from ghyll scrambling, high ropes, night line, Jacobs ladder, canoeing, rock traverse with a jump into the lake, and many more.

Students had an awesome time, developing many skills, learning team work and over-coming challenges, the weekend ended with a trip to McDonalds, and a party atmosphere on the mini buses, returning the students to their parents at 9.30pm, tired and with many tales to tell.

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