Sir John Nelthorpe School

Sir John Nelthorpe School


The school aims to stimulate pupils' curiosity and imagination by providing a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. The activities and tasks set for pupils will be matched to their abilities so that they achieve their full potential and become valued citizens in this rapidly changing world.

The teaching and learning environment is welcoming and has at its heart a partnership between staff, pupils and parents which aims to support effective learning, good order and discipline, and mutual respect.

We pay attention to the individual by building on the positive qualities, providing opportunities which broaden horizons, developing a healthy set of values and stimulating a feeling of achievement and worth.

Accessibility Plan & Disability Equality Scheme

Admissions Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Assessment, Recording & Reporting Policy

Attendance & Punctuality Policy

Behaviour Rewards and Sanctions Policy 2023 v2.pdf

Careers, Education, Information, Advice & Guidance Policy

Charging & Remission Policy

Complaints Policy & Procedure 2024.pdf

Curriculum Policy

Designated Teacher Policy

Educational & Off-Site Visits Policy & Guidance

English As An Additional Language Policy

Equality & Diversity Policy

Examination Policy

Suspension and exclusion policy 2024.pdf

Homework Policy

Literacy Policy

Mobile Phone Policy 2024.pdf

Numeracy Policy

Online Safety Policy

Remote Learning Policy

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Schemes Of Work Policy

SEN Policy & Information Report

Sex & Relationship Education Policy

Supporting Students With Medical Needs Policy

Teaching & Learning Policy

Uniform & Appearance Policy 2023

SJN Vexatious Complaints Policy 2024.pdf

Young Carer's Policy

News & Events

Year 6 Open Evening - 11th September 2024 - 6pm-8pm - Grammar School Road

We are thrilled to announce that our Year 6 Open Evening will be held in Sc...

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How to access Pupil Home Learning Site (Year 6)

Please see above a video showing you how to access the Pupil Home Learning ...

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How to access Pupil Home Learning Site

Please see below a video on how to access the Pupil Home Learning Site:

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