Sir John Nelthorpe School

Sir John Nelthorpe School

Fundamental British Values

Our Promotion Of British Values

At Sir John Nelthorpe School we are dedicated to promoting values which ensure that our students develop a strong sense of social and moral responsibility. We prepare the students for life in Modern Britain because values such as individual liberty, democracy, the law, mutual respect and tolerance are embedded within the curriculum and the Sir John Nelthorpe School ethos. In addition, these values are promoted at various times throughout the school year.

As school leaders and Governors, we are responsible for providing a curriculum which:

  • is broad and balanced, complies with legislation and provides a wide range of subjects which prepare students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in Modern Britain;

  • actively promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance;

  • promotes tolerance of and respect for people of all faiths [or none], cultures and lifestyles through effective spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils, including by engaging pupils in extracurricular activity and volunteering in their local community;

  • is supported by a well-rounded programme of assemblies which offer clear guidance on what is right and wrong.

We endeavour to ensure that students:

  • are reflective about their own beliefs and perspectives on life, and the extent to which they are the same as/different to others' faith, feelings and values.
  • Examples are; RE curriculum e.g. Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, assemblies, assemblies with RS in recognition of the significance of November 11th Remembrance Service, choice of books for class reading during tutor time, discussions on evolution in science, visiting other places of worship, geography curriculum, art curriculum, in Food Technology discussing organic/GM foods and vegetarianism.

  • show an interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues, and appreciate the viewpoints of others.
  • Examples are; PSHCE sessions, RE curriculum, discussions in english, history and other areas of the curriculum, art Amnesty International project, discussions in science about embryo research and abortion.

  • have a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about the world around them and participate actively in artistic, sporting or cultural activities.
  • Examples are; School music and drama productions, sporting fixtures and competitions, pupil journalists writing for the school newspaper, field trips, Languages Day, Maths Challenge, World Challenge expeditions to Malawi, Himalayas, trips to other countries, MFL exchange programme, multicultural cuisine in food technology, TWAG week.

  • recognise the difference between right and wrong, understand that actions have consequences, and apply this in their own lives by respecting the Law.
  • Examples are; school policies for the welfare, health and safety of pupils, behaviour policy [sanctions and rewards], celebration assemblies, annual mock trial competition, correct application of the rules of competitive sports.

  • cooperate well, celebrate diversity and resolve conflicts effectively.
  • Examples are; School council, Sports Teams, Maths team challenge, House competitions, Engineering Challenge.

  • engage positively with life in a democracy.
  • Examples are; School Council elections, interviews for head boy/girl, Duke of Edinburgh, student voice panels, mock trial competition, PSHCE module on democratic processes.

  • understand and appreciate the history, heritage and wide ranging cultural influences that underpin our individual and shared experience of life in modern Britain.
  • Examples are; recognition of the significance of November 11th, commemoration of World War 1 projects, Year 7 trips to France, history and english curricula, school prom, charity fund raising, family values in GCSE child development.

In short we believe that we allow our students to recognise right from wrong, resolve conflicts, understand and explore diversity, develop a moral code, understand others' beliefs and understand how communities function. These qualities will allow them to participate fully in life in Modern Britain.

How Well Do You Know Your Community?

North Lincolnshire is a vibrant community with a wealth of different cultures, religions, faiths and beliefs. Here is a link to the North Lincolnshire Multi-Faith Partnership website, where you can gain an insight into the rich cultural diversity of our area. We have also included at the bottom of the page, a few of the documents used at school to help raise students' awareness of the faiths and cultures in North Lincolnshire. Please feel free to have a look for yourself!

Diversity Update 2013

Diversity Leaflet Key Facts

News & Events

Year 6 Open Evening - 11th September 2024 - 6pm-8pm - Grammar School Road

We are thrilled to announce that our Year 6 Open Evening will be held in Sc...

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How to access Pupil Home Learning Site (Year 6)

Please see above a video showing you how to access the Pupil Home Learning ...

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How to access Pupil Home Learning Site

Please see below a video on how to access the Pupil Home Learning Site:

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