Sir John Nelthorpe School

Sir John Nelthorpe School

Year 7 Catch Up Fund

Catch Up Funding Strategy 2019-2020

What is Catch-up funding?

Due to COVID-19 there has been no Year 7 Catch up funding since 2019-20 as the School received COVID-19 catch-up funding to be used across all year groups. Information regarding the COVID-19 catch up funding allocation and spending can be found here

The DfE has made a commitment to provide additional educational funding to schools for each Year 7 pupil who had not achieved age appropriate levels. The school receives an additional £500 funding for each of these students in reading and/or mathematics. In 2018 to 2019 Sir John Nelthorpe School was allocated funding on the basis that they receive the same overall amount of year 7 catch-up premium funding they received in 2017 to 2018, adjusted to reflect the percentage change in the size of their year 7 cohort between the October 2018 and the October 2019 school censuses as follows:  The number of year 7 pupils recorded on the October 2018 school census) divided by (the number of year 7 pupils recorded on the October 2019 school census) multiplied by the 2018 to 2019 allocation.

This money is being used to target additional support for Sir John Nelthorpe learners who were deemed ‘not secondary ready’ in English and/or Maths.

The allocation for Catch up funding for the year 2019-2020 is £7512.

Strategic Summary

Year 7 Literacy / Numeracy catch-up funding is additional money given to the school and is being used exclusively so that we can support those students who did not meet age related expectations in English and/or mathematics when they left primary school. It is our intention to use this additional funding to close the attainment gap between these students and their peers. 

As of September 2018 the following cohort of students were identified for catch-up interventions:

  • Below 100 in KS2 SATS in English and Mathematics 
  • Below 100 in  KS2 SATS GPVS 
  • Below 100 in  KS2 SATS Reading 
  • Below 100 in  KS2 SATS GPVS and Reading 
  • Below 100 in  KS2 SATS Mathematics

Objectives of Year 7 Catch-Up Funding 

  • To narrow the gap between those who met or exceeded national expectations and those who fell below them by providing intensive Literacy and numeracy support to raise the attainment of those below age related expectations on entry.
  • To increase the self-esteem, confidence and aspirations of students eligible for access to catch-up funding. 
  • To identify concerns and target intervention and support to accelerate progress.

At Sir John Nelthorpe School we will we use intensive individualised intervention to support our students.

Overview of Intervention:

At Sir John Nelthorpe School at a universal level we use Quality First Teaching to benefit all our students but especially those who are disadvantaged.  We have high expectations and aspirations for all our students surrounding academic targets, behaviour and attendance.  Students will receive high quality, effective written and verbal feedback of which the students will work on developing skills in order to respond to the feedback.

  • For the Catch up premium students we will initiate a targeted strategies to reflect the needs of the students in order to provide support. Measures to improve the attendance and punctuality of students who are behind age related expectations with regards to their reading and math’s.
  • Students with be provided with an adapted curriculum and be in receipt of additional Literacy lesson time instead of studying French.
  • Smaller group sizes for lower attaining pupils.
  • Students will receive small group targeted additional Literacy and Numeracy support staff in the form of dedicated learning support assistants in English and maths to facilitate withdrawal from lessons and targeted intervention.
  • The learning support team will also provide support within lessons.
  • Homework clubs are available daily.
  • Individual Strategies to support the individual needs of each student.
  • Support from external agencies as and when required.
  • Appropriate support from qualified specialists to screen for needs and provide the appropriate specialist, tailored intervention.
  • Regular monitoring and tracking of progress to identify any further interventions that are necessary.

The above list of provisions are not exhaustive, but are presented to show the range of strategies and provision that is available to our students entitled to catch-up funding. 

At the beginning of the term all students will be assessed with reading ages, numeracy age tests. Their views will be expressed via student voice. This will be re-assessed after 10 weeks.

Intervention Type

Group size



Entrance criteria

Exit criteria.

Reading group

Maximum 5

Weekly x10

20 minutes

Reading below 100

Reading age significantly lower than chronological age.

Reading age increase

On target or above in English.*

Back 2 basics numeracy boost.

Basic numeracy skills. e.g. telling the time, money.

Maximum 4/5

Weekly x10

20 minutes

Math’s below 100

Number age significantly lower than chronological age.

Numeracy age increase.

On target or above in maths. *

Handwriting group

To enable the students to produce legible handwriting with speed

Maximum 5

Weekly x10

20 minutes

Writing speed difficult to read

Writing speed and legibility improvement.

CUP literacy.

The students follow a personalised literacy programme, targeting Reading and Writing. They have access to specialised materials and are taught by dedicated specialist staff.

Maximum 5

Weekly x10

1 hour

Reading below 100

Reading age significantly lower than chronological age.

Reading age increase

On target or above in English.*

CUP numeracy.

The students follow a bespoke numeracy programme to boost their confidence and build skills in the basics of numeracy.

Maximum 5

Weekly x10

1 hour

Math’s below 100

Number age significantly lower than chronological age.

Numeracy age increase.

On target or above in math’s.*

Currently students at Sir John Nelthorpe School are assessed through SJN standards assessed by the class teacher to indicate if, at the present time a student is on track to achieve their target grade. The Target Grade shows the grade we expect your child to achieve at the end of Year 11.  This Target Grade is generated using Key Stage 2 scores and comparing with the historic performance of students of a similar ability nationally at the end of Key Stage 4.

Students who are eligible for access to Catch Up Funding 2019

Below 100 in Key Stage 2 SATS Reading

Below 100 in Key Stage 2 SATS Mathematics

Below 100 in Key Stage 2 SATS in English and Mathematics 




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